Risk Assessments

The effective management of risk is central to providing a safe and healthy workplace and if you run a business, however big or small, you are legally required to carry out a risk assessment. 


If you employ five or more people you must record your significant findings and communicate them to your staff.  A risk assessment involves the identification of significant hazards present in any working environment or arising out of commercial activities or work activities.  It evaluates the extent of the risks involved, taking into account existing precautions and their effectiveness. The underlying objective is to identify where potential problems and dangers lie and to ensure that risks are eliminated or controlled and that as a consequence no one gets hurt or becomes ill.

Why do you need to do a Risk Assessment?

The short answer is to stop people from being injured or becoming ill through their work.  However, there are other good reasons for carrying them out:
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It makes good business sense. Low accident rates mean less downtime, improved productivity, lower insurance premiums and repeat work from satisfied clients
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We all have a legal and moral duty to ensure that our actions are not responsible for harming the health or safety of other people
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Risk assessments are required by law and help to protect you if something goes wrong


The entire exercise is worthless if action is not taken based on the findings, or if employees do not comply with procedures. The best risk assessments are therefore often the ones that are thorough, but kept simple and user friendly. At GH Safety we specialise in helping companies to manage risk and comply with regulations in a no nonsense, practical way that employees are usually prepared to buy into.

Contact a member of the team to advise you further on Risk Assessments by calling 01793 784 334 or email sales@ghsafety.co.uk.

We’d love to work with you. If you would like to talk to us, please give us a call on 01793 784 334 or get in touch with us via the contact page.

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